Shaunda Dawson ’25, ’18 leads women from diverse backgrounds in love, empathy, and respect to bridge differences and create a better world.

Inspired by conversations with her colleagues, combined with a deep desire to make an impact on earth, dedicated nurse and educator, Shaunda Dawson ’25, ’18, wished to embody and share her faith in bigger ways. It was from here that L.O.V.E. United, LLC was born.
Standing for Ladies of Various Ethnicities, L.O.V.E. United is a transformative platform dedicated to fostering unity among women through faith-based initiatives. Women from diverse backgrounds can gather in love, empathy, and respect to engage in difficult, honest conversations about the world we share. Here, they are able to build relationships to create positive change in their communities through service, leadership, and education.
“I started L.O.V.E. United because I wanted to create a platform where all women could come together and show the world that we are more alike than we are different—a space where women could be vulnerable,” Dawson says. “Where we could demonstrate to the younger generation that women of all races can work together and do so effectively.”
“We’re committed to bridging divides, fostering a space where we can ask hard questions, exchange perspectives, and ultimately grow into a united force,” she says.
Combining her love for nursing and education, Dawson has taught clinical students as an instructor and worked in maternal health at Mercy Health after graduating with her BSN from the Mount. She brings her expertise as a registered nurse to the forefront of her endeavors, and has quickly established herself as a dedicated educator and clinician. She is currently pursuing her MSN in Education at the Mount to continue advancing her career in teaching.
Throughout her career, Dawson worked with many women from areas with limited cultural diversity. Their discussions were rich with curiosity, as they often asked questions about each other’s cultural differences. What made these conversations so special was the mutual sense of safety they felt.
“Over time, we began to see that we were more alike than we initially thought,” she says. “These moments lit a spark in me and inspired a desire to create something bigger—a space where women could come together, engage in tough but necessary conversations, and grow side by side.”
Thus far, Dawson has empowered countless women to overcome challenges, build confidence, and find their voices. Her dedication to her work and her genuine care for others have made a significant impact on the lives of many.
Dawson recently published a book called My Closet, a 52-week interactive journal and devotional. The weekly entries come directly from her personal journal.
“A woman I know has been reading it, and she shared so much with me in a letter that it literally brought me to tears,” Dawson says.
The woman ended the letter with these words: “Thank you for this purpose that God brought you to do. Your gift of sharing words of testimony has and will forever change me, and I hope you always remember that, because I will never forget.”
With gratitude, Dawson attributes her success to the support and guidance of her mentors, particularly her former Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ professor, Kristin Clephane, DNP.
“Her encouragement to pursue a graduate degree, even when I wasn't sure about completing my BSN, planted a seed of possibility in my mind,” she says. “Her unwavering support and belief in me have had a profound impact on my life and career, helping me to grow and take on new challenges.”