Amy Smith's Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ golf experience began strong--and it’s thanks to her coaches and teammates whom acknowledged her contributions from the beginning.

It was the summer right before sixth-grade.
Amy’s family friends from Michigan just shipped her a gift—a brand-new set of golf clubs. The lustrous shine reflected off of the pristine iron clubheads, awaiting the powerful impact they would soon endure. Immediately overwhelmed with immense appreciation, Amy daydreamed of swinging them for the first time.
It was in that moment, she decided it was time to give golf a try.
Truthfully, the reality of committing to a sport shows that sometimes players don’t have to love it immediately. In fact, Amy’s passion for the game fluctuated throughout her middle school and high school years—It wasn’t until high school when her passion blossomed after a special coach unleashed her potential.
“Years later while playing for my high school team, I came across this amazing swing coach who led me to believe I have the potential to be a great golfer,” said Amy. “If not for her, I wouldn’t have the confidence to play at a college level.”
While skill level is certainly part of the sport, the respect and team morale she would build with her future Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ team would outweigh the recognition of any trophy.
A Straight Shot to the Golf Roster
Much like anyone looking to transfer to a new college, Amy didn’t know what to expect before visiting the Mount. But something struck her about the caring campus and immediate offer of a place on the team.
The Mount’s Health & Exercise Science program captivated Amy’s interest immediately when it came time to choosing a major. Growing up, she held a steady interest in staying physically active, and she is hopeful to pursue personal training after college.
“As years went by, I learned that I genuinely enjoy exercising because it provides me a sense of happiness and well-being,” says Amy. “This major is a good fit for me because I’m beginning to have clarity in specific fields that I would like to pursue, such as personal training.”
When coach Gilmore told Amy during her visit that she already had a spot on the team, she was ready to put the work in to earn it. After transferring her sophomore year, the discipline she demonstrated playing golf at the Mount helped her connect the dots on why she began in the first place, and how much her passion could grow for golf in college.
“The commitment you’re obligated to give for a college sport is nothing short of an achievement,” she asserts. “I came to realize that the more I spent time with this sport, the more love I found for it.”
Amy thanks her coaches and team in her first golf season experience, whom welcomed her and made it very easy for her to adapt.
Scoring in Teamwork
For Amy, the ultimate milestone wasn’t achieved through her first tournament or even the several awards they received this season—It was through her team bond and comradery.
She felt acknowledged for her valued contributions to the Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ golf team. It feels like something bigger.
“As for this school, I am so blessed with the team I became a part of. The bond we share is so special to me, and I don’t believe I could stumble upon another school that has better teammates and coaches than this program does. Although I did win some awards this past fall, the real award was the acknowledgment and respect I got from each teammate and coach.”
Whether it’s sharing laughs during practice or passing each other on the course during a tournament to exchange a wave with each other, the Ó£ÌÒɬ¸£Àû¼§ bond is unbreakable. According to Amy, the wave is a simple gesture of encouraging each other to finish strong. “I love them all so much and will always be there for them because I know they’ll be there for me. If there’s anything I picked up from this past fall, it’s that there is nothing quite like a team bond in a college sport.”
While living on campus has its benefits while balancing athletics in college, managing both can still be difficult. Amy shares her advice.
“What I learned is that it takes a lot of commitment and determination, but the triumph, in the end, is worth the grind.”
About our Health & Exercise Science Major: Learn More!
Interested in promoting wellness, enhancing quality of life, and increasing physical activity across the lifespan? With four different concentrations to choose from, our program prepares students to enter careers in the health, fitness, or wellness industries and post-graduate studies in the health sciences.
Check out our Health & Exercise Science page to find which concentration may be a strong fit for you!