“Welcome home!” That’s what members of the audience in the Mount’s theater heard as 80 individuals became naturalized U.S. citizens Nov. 15.

What a beautiful ceremony it was to witness. My heart was touched, as I am sure others in the crowd were as well, to see true freedom be found for all. I couldn’t help but think about the different backgrounds each individual came from, as 33 countries were represented at this ceremony. I often find myself taking the privilege of being born in the United States for granted, but this Naturalization Ceremony served as a wakeup call. Being born a United States citizen is very much a privilege, and something that none of us should take for granted.
My favorite part of the ceremony was when each country was announced, and every person from that country stood up to be reognized. So many of them would stand in excitement, waving their American flag in the air, overjoyed to start their new life. Others grinned ear to ear, as their loved ones took their pictures on this unforgettable day.
The process to become naturalized is long, and it takes hard work and dedication. This is not something we should forget when giving honor and congratulating these new citizens. They all proved themselves “willing and able” to become United States citizens, so this ceremony of oath-taking served as their last step to new liberty.
Cincinnati has been known as being a beacon of hope for those seeking refuge and prosperity, so for these individuals to choose the Southern Ohio region as their beacon of hope and new home is heartwarming. I hope that we can all congratulate these 80 new citizens and welcome them with open arms as “out of many, we become one.”
Karl Power 2023 photo